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Don't miss a thing about PUZKIN

PUZKIN where it all began?

The journey of PUZKIN started in Kyoto, winter 2018 when Benoit FERRIERE, father of a young daughter, set out to create a toy that embodied a unique blend of freedom, creativity, empathy, construction, and communication, while being accessible and safe for young children. Frustrated with the lack of available options, Benoit began by hand-crafting the first prototypes using magnets and clay. This quickly led him to pursue the concept in a digital form.

In 2019, the toy was conceptualized and all the aspects were refined, including hundreds of illustrations, stickers, and visual elements. By June 2020, after months of collaboration with different manufacturing plants, the first complete prototype was ready. Final touches were made in July 2020 to make PUZKIN even more enjoyable, safe and stand out from other toys on the market. Today, PUZKIN remains a beloved toy of Benoit’s daughter.

PUZKIN where it all began?