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PUZKIN Companion

These loyal and energetic friends will be always by your side, whether it’s on your back as a trusty backpack or running alongside our heroes.

This series embraces heart-warming stories about friendship, empathy, and love.


The PUZ, colourful puzzle-shaped characters with their own language and a penchant for being wacky, are the fuzzy and lovable Kids’ companions.

  • They are happy-go-lucky creatures who are willing to try anything, and never afraid of failing.
  • They take every opportunity that comes their way with hefty measures of seriousness and determination. And fun!
  • They love helping own kind, and their friends, the Kids…even though it usually brings a bit of chaos, situation comedy, and strong stories with big slices of emotion!

Oh! and not to forget, they have a mysterious and magical bond with Z, the magnetic energy at Puzkin heart!

PUZKIN inhabitants

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