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Social Spot

The harbor is a social spot, the eight players can interact between them with different ways:

A. Invite a player to visit my island

Every player can propose to another player to come & visit his/her island.
See the “Visit an island” part.
Each island being customized by each child, they can reveal their personalities in visiting each other.

If a player visits the island of another player, he gets some “souvenir” pictures of his tour.

B. Share or offer some objects

The harbor is a place of exchange like can be a playground at school where kids trade for Pokemon cards between them.

When two players wish trading, a sharing interface is opening, the goal being to avoid all kind of cheating. A player can also offer an object of his collection to another player connected to his instance.

C. Communicate

The players are not able to communicate between them in vocal or by text.
The aim is to limit and block the possibilities of harassment and aggression.

Kids are able to discuss with two ways :

Trigger animations by themselves when they wish: funny faces, dance steps, choreographed gesture, hand sign, hug, …

They can make emoticons appear above the head of their character as well as FX (example: small hearts in the form of particles around the avatar).

Social Spot